German Grade Calculator

German Grade Calculator 2024

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German Grade Calculator

This handy German grades calculator converts your grades from GPA or percentage in the German grading system (which ranges from 4.0 to 1.0). We use the modified Bavarian formula in this calculator. All those students who want to study in Germany without paying tuition fees can easily estimate it with this calculator.

German Grade Calculator

German Grade Calculator

German Grade Meaning

In Germany, grades are used to measure how well someone has done in school or college. Here's a breakdown of what each grade means:

  1. 1.0–1.5 ("sehr gut" - very good): This grade shows an amazing achievement! It means the work is outstanding, way above what's normally expected.
  2. 1.6–2.5 ("gut" - good): Falling slightly below the highest grade, this is still really good. It shows that the work is excellent and well above average.
  3. 2.6–3.5 ("befriedigend" - satisfactory): This grade means the work meets the average requirements. It's okay, but not exceptional.
  4. 3.6–4.0 ("ausreichend" - sufficient): This grade means the work just meets the basic requirements. It's not great, but it's enough.
  5. 5.0 and above ("nicht ausreichend" / "nicht bestanden" - not sufficient / failed): Any grade above 5.0 is a problem. It means the work didn't meet what was needed. Essentially, it's a fail.

So, the German grading system helps show how well someone has done, from outstanding success to falling short of what's needed.

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Decoding Letter Grades in German Grade Calculator

In Germany, numbers are used instead of letters for grading. Below We have told the article. These numbers are referred to in A-F grading.

  • A+ equals 1: This top American grade converts to the best score in Germany, showing outstanding performance.
  • A equals 2: An A in the US system translates to a very good grade in Germany, indicating excellent work.
  • B equals 3: In Germany, a B grade is good and corresponds to a certain level of achievement.
  • C equals 4: This average grade in the US system equals a middle-of-the-road grade in Germany.
  • D equals 5: A D in the US system is just enough to pass, similar to a grade that barely meets requirements in Germany.
  • E equals 6: In Germany, this grade would be like a minimum pass or a grade that’s really close to failing.

'Modified Bavarian Formula -GERMAN GRADING SYSTEM

Many methods are used to convert grades from other countries into German grades. Most universities use a system known as the 'Modified Bavarian Formula'

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