
How to setup ATP secure attachments in Microsoft 365.

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How to setup ATP secure attachments in Microsoft 365.

As you all know, today’s era is the era of digital revolution. The changing digital scenario has increased the importance of data security, every organization wants to keep its data secure and in today’s time it is extremely important for every organization. Strong solutions are needed in every company to protect businesses from malicious content, especially in email attachments and files shared across platforms like SharePoint, OneDrive and Microsoft Teams. The Microsoft company in its Microsoft 365 offers a powerful tool in this regard – Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) – and within ATP, the Secure Attachment feature. In this article, we will talk you through the steps to set up ATP Secure Attachments in Microsoft 365 for your business, thereby ensuring an additional layer of security for your valuable data.

Understanding ATP Secure Attachments

Before we do ATP Secure Attachments in Microsoft 365, let’s briefly understand what the ATP Secure Attachments table does. ATP enhances the security of your organization by detecting and protecting against malicious content in attachments and files. For your information, let us tell you that this is not limited to email only; ATP has extended its coverage to SharePoint, OneDrive and Microsoft Teams, creating a comprehensive shield against potential threats.

Step-by-step setup guide for setup ATP secure attachments in Microsoft 365.

Sign in as administrator-

The first step in configuring ATP secure attachments in your system is to sign in to Microsoft 365 Business as an administrator. Which ensures that you have the necessary permissions to access and modify the security settings. So that no unwanted person can make any changes in its settings.

First go to and once signed in, access the Threat Policy section. You can use the URL for quick access.

Enable ATP Secure Attachment

On the Threat Policy page, find and select ATP Secure Attachments. Here, you’ll find options to turn on secure attachments for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams. Check the corresponding box to activate this feature on these platforms.

Create a new policy-

To protect email attachments, click the plus icon to create a new policy. Provide the name and description of the policy, explaining its purpose. This clarity will be beneficial while managing multiple policies in future.

Configure malware detection actions

Select the desired actions to be taken when malware is detected in attachments. For example, selecting dynamic delivery ensures that email delivery is not slowed down. Enable redirects for attachments containing malware and specify an email address for further checking.

Define the scope of the policy-

Specify who the policy should apply to. Depending on the structure of your organization, you may need to provide additional information. Once done, save the policy.

Dismiss warnings

If using Microsoft 365, dismiss any warnings that appear. This is a normal step, as the system may prompt you due to increased security measures.

Verification and monitoring

With the ATP Secure Attachments policy, any attempts to open a malicious file from SharePoint or OneDrive will be restricted, and the file will be marked with a red shield. Opening a blocked file triggers a warning message, increasing user awareness.

Review the scanning report

For a proactive approach to security, visit the Reports section regularly to review scanning activities. Although there may be no data initially, this section becomes valuable as your detection capabilities are implemented.


Installing ATP Secure Attachments in Microsoft 365 is a proactive measure that significantly strengthens your organization’s defense against cyber threats. By implementing these steps, you create a strong shield that covers SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams, beyond email attachments. Regularly monitoring scanning reports ensures that you stay ahead of potential threats, providing a secure digital environment for your business operations. As cyber threats continue to grow, a proactive and comprehensive approach to security becomes imperative, and ATP Safe Attachments is a vital tool in achieving that goal

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